
E-mail: rob@smsinternational.org
P.O.Box 307, South River, NJ 08882


A Great Example for Everyone!

When celebrating the coming of the Christ child, the common characters of the Crèche are interesting and important, especially the father of the family, Joseph. His participation was not only encouraging but also essential to accomplish the will of God. The godly example of Joseph, therefore, should be examined and emulated by every reader of this enduring story in the Holy Scriptures (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20).

In every circumstance, Joseph obeyed the words of God spoken to him through the visiting angel. He knew the ways of God were much greater than his own ways. Therefore, he listened to God's instructions immediately. Delay dare not deter the directions of Deity!

Joseph also observed the warnings of God spoken to him though the angel. He would not only provide for his saintly wife and special Son but also protect them from danger and destruction. Whether in Bethlehem, Egypt or Nazareth, he would be faithful to his family. Treacherous hands would not touch his tender Son until the proper time!

Finally, Joseph obtained the wisdom of God which helped him to be a devoted husband and dedicated father. Interestingly, he neither questioned God's explanation of upcoming events nor queried for more proof when told of his future wife's extraordinary position. She was innocent concerning any wrongdoing. The wedding would be finalized, and the "Wonder in the womb" would be Messiah, the Son of God. His name will be called Jesus, the Savior of the world. Joseph would teach Him the trade of carpentry and take Him to the temple in Jerusalem as taught by the Law. A great example would Joseph be to his Son! "The glory of the children are their fathers" (Proverbs 17:6).

During this holiday season, may we like Joseph submit to the sweet sound of the Sovereign voice, and may we serve the Savior sincerely and sacrificially in everything we seek to accomplish in the New Year!

Rob Zapotoski

To read article from Rob Zapotoski “Do not imitate evil but good” click here