
Personally, I have to start each day by putting on the armor of God and spending time in His presence.  Without such preparation, I can sense the struggle throughout the day.  With it, I am able to sense His leading, protection and presence as I complete the work he has given me to do.  When I think about that work -- putting His spoken Word into files for listeners   on the Slavic Missionary Service website, speaking into the lives of young men at the university, sharing with my brothers in my men's Bible study group or interacting with those I meet just running basic errands throughout San Diego County – I recognize the eternal magnitude of it.  If I am not wearing the armor of God and walking in His presence, it is easy to be derailed by the enemy.  The Word tells us this will be the case so we must be prepared and on the lookout, if we want to win the battle.

In the time remaining before the Lord returns, my prayer is that we might be victors in the Lord and not victims of the enemy's schemes.
I continue to pray for you as you serve the Lord where you live, work and play.   I trust your armor is in place and I thank God for your faithful prayers and support. With God on our side, who can be against us! (Romans 8:31).
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power,
