
E-mail: steve.maril@gmail.com
Ph.: 908-862-6365
400 Kennedy Drive, Linden, NJ 07036


To Those Whom God Loves,

In spite of the fact that snow is in the forecast, we still wish you Spring greetings in the name that is above all others, Jesus (Yahshua) Christ. His name is worthy of praise. Carefully read Colossians 1:13-18.

On a human note, talking about snow, I do not recall seeing so much snow in one winter as we did this year; not even growing up in central Nebraska. At 6 feet tall, I was still throwing snow off the walks up higher than my head. It came in feet, not inches. The snow pile by the car was twice as high as the car. After four snow storms, then the rain came down and the floods came up – Wow NJ!

This morning held two wonderful surprises. Think of Fernando Ortega's song, "This Good Day" and add to it. Marilyn and I had just finished our Wednesday morning meeting. Some folks wanted to speak with us. One blind lady named Helen asked, "does God really love me personally?" I spoke to her from the Scriptures as to how God is as personal with us as He was with Adam and Eve. She understood the gospel, the meaning of Christ's death, and the individual response to the present tense appeal of "he who believes" in John 3:16; 5:24. Helen said, "When should I receive Christ then?" I replied, "Billy Graham called his radio program the Hour of Decision because it's now." Her response was, "could we pray now?"(of course, that's suppose to be my line) There wasn't any water that broke, but a new child of God was born into the Kingdom right there!

Meanwhile, another lady, Sally, who was standing closer to Marilyn, had her attention fastened on what was happening. She asked Marilyn, "Can God forgive someone who has done bad things all their life?" Marilyn assured her that He would. The two of them approached as Helen was walking away. Sally asked me, "Can I know for sure that God will take me into heaven?" We talked about the place of saving faith, which she understood.