Having said all that, we do have a specific prayer request further down. The ministry in Belarus is a wonderful opportunity for someone, but I am not led to go and participate, although it is tempting. Oh yes, I'd like to be involved in everything God is doing in the world – wouldn't you? If there is a reader that might be drawn to this, let me know; I'll connect you to the person who can set it up. Israel is once again calling. I have been invited to preach during August in Jerusalem. To use a word from our very first newsletter, there is an "obstacle". In spite of having generous supporters, we are having some trouble meeting monthly expenses. At this point (3 ½ months out) the price of the cheapest ticket is $1300.oo. We are looking to God for 1)direction, 2)enablement and 3)confirmation concerning the trip. Would you please pray with us along these lines. Don't misinterpret the word pray to mean give. Pray means pray. Given the current tightness of funds, which puts us in with a big boat load of people these days, we want you to know that we appreciate each and every one of you who contribute to our regular ministry support. THANK YOU also for engaging our good God in prayer on our behalf. When we say we couldn't do this without you…we mean it. The Lord uses all of His people with willing hearts – those who go (all of us go somewhere; not all are sent for a specific task), those who give and those who pray. Most do all three. This defines our partner-ship in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be encouraged as you serve Him. Lovingly, 400 Kennedy Drive, 1st FL, Linden, NJ 07036-4420