Sally wanted to be sure that it was settled with God. She became a new cleansed creature in Christ. Usually, I work salvation into messages at the Russian daycare center, but this day, I hadn't spoken of it directly. It's just that, when the Father draws souls to His dear Son, they're likely to come (John 6:44). Both women now have His peace. When I am surprised like that, I suspect someone somewhere is praying. Just a word about prayer. (Hope this doesn't sound too much like preaching) You may have noticed that not all of our letters have specific prayer requests listed, although, our Christmas letter did. If a person was to pray only the words I wrote, God might not hear his/her heart perspective on the issue. The Lord who said, "come, let us reason together"(Isa 1:18) wants to be engaged in prayer. An example of this follows. Not too long ago I came across a missionary prayer request concerning a Christian radio station in Milano, Italy. Having lived in Italy, we know of the spiritual darkness there. As I recall, there had been legal battles for most of a decade; the courts were dragging their heels because a very rich man was fighting to dominate the whole area on the radio dial. He, of course, is not greater than the Almighty. The request was for help to be on the air. I started to pray in a perfunctory manner to cover it. The more I prayed, however, the more intensive and combative (in heavenly places) my prayer became. Why, I even prayed that God would remove the judge that may have been paid off. I can't repeat everything I prayed. Soon news came that the judge was replaced by a three judge panel that ruled in favor of the Christian radio station – Victory! The missionary hadn't mentioned a judge in his request, but I, and surely others, were led to pray aggressively. This was about the Kingdom of God defeating the domain of darkness. The point is, we need to be led by the Holy Spirit in prayer the same way we are led by Him in life. Rom. 8:14