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To See God at Work

I am very excited anytime I have the opportunity to see God at work in our field of service. These past few months have been just that.

The visits with some of our missionaries encourages us to persevere in spite of many difficulties we face, mostly in the financial arena. It is so hard to say, “No, not right now” to great media ideas because we simply cannot afford the cost of the equipment or the need for additional financial help overseas.
We do, however, rejoice because God has promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19) and we move forward by faith because the battle is the Lord’s!

As I talked to some Ukrainian Israelis a few months ago, I realized how much they knew about God, God’s Word and His promise to Abraham. They know that at any time they will be attacked and no one will come to their aid, except for God. They say, “God promised Abraham this land and we are God’s people and this is God’s land. We will always survive!”

Ann and I had the privilege to visit our home church in Wheaton, IL and spoke with a number of our missionary colleagues. The joy we shared as we related our mutual experiences is indescribable because we know that nothing will stop the spreading of the Gospel until that day when the trumpet shall sound!

I am amazed at the power of the Media Ministries and thank God for our brother, Yuri Mezenko, whose web design talent and editorial expertise is helping SMS International spread the gospel and ministry news through our website. You need to see the new BIBLE addition to the site. Simply click on the upper left button, which reads ‘Bible’.

Let us remember that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Rom. 10:17)

My heart rejoices when I hear the testimonies from our national missionaries and also from people I meet during my travels as to how God is using the Broadcasts and Media Ministries of Slavic Missionary Service Int’l! We are blessed to be dedicated servants of the Lord assisting and helping lost and hopeless people come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support of this ministry. Let us continue working together because Today is the Day of Redemption and we don’t know how long we have before that trumpet shall sound, and it shall sound!

Media Director SMS International