Report of SMS Missionary Pavel Firisiuk
Minsk, Belarus — October, 2008
We were given permission by hospital authorities to show a film on the life of an American invalid who lost arms and legs and is living by faith testifying of God’s grace. Five women at the close of the service opened their hearts to Christ. We are grateful for the permission that was granted.
Witnessing to the Director - I was able to talk with the director of the hospital, and he had many questions related to faith in Jesus Christ and about true Christianity. He was deeply concerned about the growth of false religions and the increase of immorality in the world. He agreed after 40 minutes that only through true faith in Christ can the world be saved. We parted as friends. Pray for him.
Witnessing to a Priest – He had been instrumental in building monasteries in Russia and Belarus, but he was in the hospital unable to deal with his problem of drug addiction. He even asked me to get him something. I gave him God’s Word. He listened and he acknowledged, “You evangelicals preach the Word of God properly and plainly in your native language.” We parted as friends.
Visiting the Wards – Prior to the services, we go to 16 wards in the hospital to distribute NT. and literature. Patients often ask questions when we visit them. One recently asked why we do not pray to Mary. These are opportunities not only to give the right answer but to turn attention to the more important issue of salvation, “For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Reaching Neighbors – A woman who lives next to the church was invited to attend, but she was fearful because people had made false statements about us. God humbled her heart however, when her husband contracted cancer. She told us that they would take their walks encircling the church property. Her husband passed away and then her 11 year old daughter became ill and died. After that she started attending services. I was able to lead her to open her heart in prayer to God and to receive Christ as Savior. She plans to attend regularly now.
Thank you! Pray for those we have reached. Pray for the funds needed to complete our church.
Pavel Firisiuk