Slavic Missionary Service praises God with thanksgiving when national missionaries have the opportunity to travel to the states and share reports with their individual contributors and supporting churches. Because of surmounting conflicts, especially in the Slavic world, it can be very difficult to plan a visit or even obtain a visa. Yet a few SMS national workers were able to overcome these obstacles this year.
How better it is when a missionary, who has never been seen before, can bring spiritual blessing to sacrificial believers. The connection becomes much more personal when the foreigner can provide information to the contributors face to face. When supporters see physical and spiritual success because of their giving, people desire to donate even more.
Pray that SMS can continue to connect supporting churches with their national missionaries with a stronger, effective informative bond. Intercede for the SMS workers that wisdom be applied when distributing funds for diverse ministries. And ask God to generate growth and godliness in all the church communities associated with Slavic Missionary Service.