The SMS missionaries of Lutsk, Ukraine know that Jesus is the true foundation of genuine faith. In order to explain God's Word and exhort people to build strong spiritual lives upon the solid rock of Christ, small study groups have been created. Bible doctrine and practical Christian living are taught to young believers in order to strengthen their faith and to help them to live holy and spiritually healthy lives within the church and within their communities. Also, Bible study groups are conducted for people who are interested in learning more about Christianity but are reluctant to attend a church service.
Both husbands and wives are active in these vital outreaches in the city of Lutsk and in many small towns within the Volyn region of Western Ukraine. Clearly, they are introducing the Gospel to many new people, and they are helping the believers build strong character and conviction in their Christian lives. The SMS missionaries are "equipping the saints for the work of service" (Ephesians 4:12) that will be built upon the solid foundation of Christ. Pray that God will give them the wisdom and the words to continue this great outreach.