She spoke to the oldest one after the service. She invited the small group to her apartment during the week for some refreshments after school. “And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you he shall not lose his reward” (Matthew 10:42). She would tell them more about the message that they heard at the church. The oldest stated that this is not all of us. Oksana said that everyone was invited to come. Twenty children appeared during that first encounter. That was the start of the ministry to “street” children in Bryansk. The center was built one year later.
Recently, the interim director of SMS was able to visit the Transfiguration Center during one of the “after school” meals. Afterward, the volunteer staff and children were going to attend Aeropark, a place that has games and activities especially geared for children. Two children attended that Oksana wanted to share with the director their encounter with the Center.
Oksana met Alina on the street about a year ago. Children were going to school dressed in their “snazzy” clothes, and near the trash appeared a girl with adult slippers on her feet. With a heart filled with compassion, Oksana was compelled to talk to her.
Oksana learned that Alina had a twin brother, and her mother and grandmother were involved in the occult. Several years ago, the mother sent Alina’s brother, Vlad, to a boarding school because of bad behavior. Because of problems, the boarding school refused Vlad this year.
The mother then sent him to a psychiatric hospital. They will decide if he will go to a special school in Bryansk or be sent to a boarding school for mental patients. Recently, he destroyed some new trees that were planted in front of the church and Transfiguration Center. The influence of the mother’s occultism is clearly seen in her son’s attitude and actions, and no one wants to help Vlad to choose a better way to live.
Alina comes to the center every day and has prayed in repentance before God. Vlad also comes to the center frequently and has indicated a desire to know more about Jesus. Pray for this family, especially Viktoria the mother, so that they will find freedom, love and forgiveness at the cross of Christ. Intercede for the Transfiguration Center that God will work through Oksana and the volunteer staff in order to lead many young souls to His Son, the Savior Jesus Christ.