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Pray daily for pastors in the Slavic countries (as well as your own) that they will have wisdom and power from God to preach the Word effectually and to care for all of the saints. Pray that the convicting power of the Holy Spirit will accompany the preaching of God’s Word throughout all lands. Ask God to stir up Christians to use their God-given freedom to the fullest advantage in making known everywhere the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). |
Such a trip was recently taken with two people from an evangelical church in Kentucky. Members from this church (and other nearby churches) traveled to Russia in the past and helped the Lord’s work in many different ways. The purpose of the trip was to reconnect with the churches in that specific region and rekindle relationships to serve together in the future.
Small teams are vitally important as short-term missionaries overseas. Their presence and participation can greatly influence the possibilities of outreach among people who are searching for purpose in life. Foreigners spark interest when seeking to communicate with people from another country, especially when they desire to learn more about their culture and customs.
Small groups must utilize their God-given gifts, as well as the God-given appointment, to assist the believers in the specific ministry set before them. The team concludes it part of the outreach contact; and hopefully, bridges were built so that the church leaders can continue the connection with those interested in Christianity.
Communication between the foreign team and the native team is extremely crucial. If the small group has no opportunities to utilize the gifts that God has given each team member, then the trip loses its value and purpose. Beforehand, the details of the trip must be discussed and determined so that a clear and concise plan can be formulated for best results. Of course, some details may change, but the overall structure should always be for the furtherance of the Gospel.
Pray that church teams will continue to journey overseas with SMS. Pray that each scheduled adventure will be exactly what God appointed. And pray that more of God’s people will be “stirred” by the Holy Spirit to venture to foreign lands to fulfill the Great Commission.