At times, the progress has seemed minuscule, but patience and perseverance has brought significant success. Churches have been built in many new locations, and people of all ages have received the good news of salvation and have repented of their sins.
Hand in hand, SMS partners with sixteen workers in different regions of Belarus by assisting with seminars, conferences, summer camps, orphanage ministry and evangelistic outreaches. Each worker understands the importance of genuine commitment and consistency in the work of God. Great sacrifice has produced great spiritual success. “To God be the glory for great things He has done!”
Sergey Drozd, SMS Belarus Director, leads an amazing team of missionaries in such areas as Minsk, Borisov, Kolodischi, Gomel, Novopolotsk, Polotsk, Stolbsty, Slonim, Svislich and Vitebsk.
Please pray for this team that God will continue to increase their abilities to serve Him in their communities fervently and faithfully.