Pray that God will fill the Slavic believers with a hunger for His Word: "Desire the sincere milk of the Word" (1 Peter 2:2), and a spirit of prayer: "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Ask God to call many young men and women to serve Him sacrificially and sincerely in places of leadership. Pray that some will choose to serve in other Slavic countries as missionaries. Intercede for the Christian leadership in Eastern Europe that they will withstand the powers of darkness and remain stable in their spiritual roles. |
The incident of the feeding of the five thousand is recorded in all four Gospels in the New Testament. Each writer shares this miraculous story because of its spiritual significance. It was a miracle of marvelous magnitude. The event is expressed to reveal the Bread of Life.
When evening approached, the disciples told Jesus to “send the crowd away” (Matthew 14:15; Mark 6:36; Luke 9:12) that they may go and buy food for themselves. But Jesus said that they need not depart; “You give them to eat” (Matthew 14:16; Mark 6:37; Luke 9:13). Instead of turning to Jesus for wisdom to help this large group of listeners, the disciples examined their own supplies and concluded that they could not solve this dilemma.
Philip shared that they did not have enough money to feed the crowd sufficiently, “even for everyone to receive a little” (John 6:7). Then Jesus said, “How many loaves do you have? Go look” (Mark 6:38). Andrew said that “there is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two fish” (John 6:9). But how can so little food feed so many followers?
The people were then commanded by Jesus to sit “on the green grass… in groups of hundreds and of fifties” (Mark 6:39-40). He saw this situation as an opportunity to trust His Heavenly Father and glorify His name before the massive multitude. “Looking up toward heaven” (Matthew 14:19; Mark 6:41; Luke 9:16) and “having given thanks” (John 6:11), Jesus distributed the bread to the disciples, and the disciples distributed the bread to the people. God was the source of this sign!
About five thousand men ate, beside “women and children” (Matthew 14:21). The miracle of multiplication for the multitude happened by the mighty hands of Jesus. The disciples distributed the broken loaves; everyone was served and “satisfied” (Matthew 14:20; Mark 6:42; Luke 9:17). The disciples did not manufacture the miracle themselves nor did the crowds suddenly produce hidden provisions for all to consume. Why would the crowd desire “to make Him king” (John 6:15) if this miracle was merely a sharing of lunches?
Jesus was not only concerned with their physical needs but also, most specifically, their spiritual needs. They must feed upon a different kind of bread. The following day, Jesus talked to the throng about the bread of life. “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35, 48).
The feeding of the five thousand was a “sign” (John 6:14) of how Jesus can satisfy the spiritual hunger in a person’s heart. It proved that Jesus was Messiah and was an illustration of God’s gracious provision of salvation “come down out of heaven” (John 6:38, 50, 51, 58) to mankind.
This “Bread of Life” must continue to be given to the multitudes. This is the stupendous significance of the story. Today, people hunger for the truth concerning a relationship with the Creator. Who can satisfy the longing of the soul? Christ is concerned about the spiritually hungry and longs to see them satisfied in Him. Every believer should share this same compassion. May God help every believer to behold the crowds through the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ!