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Pray that God will fill the Slavic believers with a hunger for His Word: "Desire the sincere milk of the Word" (1 Peter 2:2), and a spirit of prayer: "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Ask God to call many young men and women to serve Him sacrificially and sincerely in places of leadership. Pray that some will choose to serve in other Slavic countries as missionaries. Intercede for the Christian leadership in Eastern Europe that they will withstand the powers of darkness and remain stable in their spiritual roles. |
Alex Leonovich, a native of Russia, ministered in missionary, pastoral and evangelistic work since 1945. He was at the forefront of evangelistic broadcasting into the former Soviet Union by way of HCJB in Quito, Ecuador. As the Executive Director of Slavic Missionary Service International, Alex had an extensive outreach to the Slavic speaking world both home and abroad.
Before accepting the leadership of Slavic Missionary Service in 1958, he served as pastor of two American Russian-Ukrainian churches simultaneously for almost five years. He was marked as a "fiery youth missionary preacher” in both the Russian and English languages by his peers. After taking on the responsibility of SMS, he continued to pastor the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Manville, NJ until he resigned in 1970 to devote more time to the mission’s endeavors.
SMS is grateful to God for the faithful and fervent leadership of Alex Leonovich from 1958 until March of 2013. SMS is happy to share some of Alex’s past articles to encourage all to support the mission, as we continue to work in Slavic countries and reach Slavic people throughout the world.
Christ is Alive!
The most joyous, victorious words ever spoken are "He is not here; for He is risen" (Matthew 26:6). These are the words of a heaven-sent messenger and spoken of the Lord Jesus Christ. It would be impossible to say this of anyone else.
There are at least seventeen recorded appearances of Christ to His disciples after His resurrection. Christ not only showed Himself alive, but He revealed Himself as the perfect and all sufficient Lord and Savior of all who would trust in Him. How could anyone doubt such conclusive evidence?
Sufficient historical evidence is available concerning the person of Jesus. Let us consider some facts. First, Jesus lived on earth. Secondly, we know when He lived. Thirdly, we know where: Nazareth in Northern Galilee. Every history of the ancient world, every encyclopedia records the historicity of Jesus.
Moreover, Jesus, the Son of Cod, has exerted more influence over the human race and history than any other person. It was He who brought to an end the worship of Greek and Roman gods. It was He who founded the institution that has come to be the most powerful factor in civilization: the Church. All dates of history are designated by the letters BC and AD, both of which refer to the time of Christ's life. He has done more to lift the ethical standards of man than all the philosophers of Greece.
The most telling fact of all is that His influence and power was not terminated with His death. Rather, it has been increasing ever since. The Lord Jesus is so influential in the world today, because He lives today! He is instrumental in the lives of humans, as well as in the affairs of the nations.
During one of the discouraging days of the Reformation, when his efforts seemed doomed, Martin Luther took a crayon and wrote on the floor and walls of his room, The Lord lives! The Lord lives!! Reassuring himself of this great fact, he went out with new determination to defy the powers against him. Luther discovered for his own life the same source of power that changed the early disciples from defeated cowards into victorious leaders. The followers of Jesus fled at the sight of the cross, but after seeing their risen Lord they experienced a transformation that sent them forth to proclaim a living Christ with courage that shook the Roman Empire.
Someone asked David Livingstone, "Do you really believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead?"
"I certainly do," he replied.
"What makes you so sure?" asked the inquirer.
"Why, I talked with Him this morning," the missionary answered. When one is saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, there will be no doubt in his heart or mind. By faith, He will know that the resurrected Christ lives within him.
I praise God for the assurance that Christ is alive today! If He were not, then we might as well close our churches, burn our Bibles, stop praying and recall our missionaries, for Christianity would be a myth. But it is not a myth, for the greatest words of joy and victory ever spoken tell us that Christ is risen!
Alex Leonovich
(Evangelical Baptist Herald – Spring 1981)