Dear friends, what a joy it is to be completely content and at peace because of HIS GRACE! My 90th year of life has slowed me down a bit— and this new pace of life has given me the opportunity to reflect on the immeasurable love of our Father in heaven. I encourage you, as you enter this new year, to slow down and ponder all the Lord has done for you!
I had the privilege at the end of this past year to visit with Oksana Leonovna, our National worker in Bryansk, Russia. Oksana has given up so much of her life and time to minister to street children and homeless adults in the area where she lives. Her story was exciting and encouraging to me as she told me of her compassion for these needy ones that she reaches out to with the love of Christ through practical help. Thank you to all of you who have given towards her most recent project which we are calling "Oksana's Kitchen." The Lord gave her a vision to step up the ministry to reach even more neglected teens and adults and this kitchen will make that possible. You can read more about this outreach here on our website.
Remember as you enter 2013, it is not what you did in the past nor what you will do in the future, but it is TODAY that counts as we don't know what tomorrow will bring. May God bless you REAL GOOD as you serve Him by loving others!!!
Alex Leonovich,
Executive Director