17454 Plaza Otonal, San Diego, CA 92128 (please note zip code change)
Dear Ministry Partner,
Ev and I have been so aware of God's blessings of late. Not because things are easy, as nothing could be further from the truth. It is just regardless of our circumstances we see God's blessings. In response to the good things that we've ask for as well as for those things for which we have not asked. He loves to bless his children because He loves us so much. The more we walk in a loving, surrendered, and obedient relationship with Him, the greater we are positioned to receive His blessings.
God blesses us by providing what we want or need as well as by not providing what we think we want or need. A blessing is anything that falls into the category of an expression of God's goodness and love toward us and it is always a gift, never something that can be earned. Some of our favorites are a sense of peace, joy, contentment, happiness and assurance.
Interestingly enough, though, blessings are often coupled with times of trials or suffering. He often brings circumstances our way that do not make sense to us or seem unreasonable. As we walk through those times in faith and obedience, we are rewarded with blessing beyond measure... blessings that result in a deep, nourishing intimacy with Him that satisfies us to the very core of our beings. Everything else seem to pale in comparison. All those must haves all of a sudden seem meaningless when sitting fully satisfied at the feet of Jesus.
As we continue to obey wholeheartedly, ask to be more like Him, and desire to be totally surrendered to his Will, we develop more spiritually mature ears, eyes, mindsets, hearts, preferences, desires, etc. He begins to transform us more and more into his image and to align us with the desires of His heart. What a blessing! To be like Him! How amazing to know his very nature is being imparted to us in the here and now!
I continue to transfer programs from tapes to files for the Internet and while it is not the most visible work, my heart rejoices in the opportunity to spread the news of a Savior who not only takes away ones sin, but loves us more than we will ever fully understand or know. There is no end to His amazing love or his undeserved blessings for his children. Hallelujah!
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" (2 Corinthians 4:16-17).
PRAISE: We have just learned of a miracle! The doctors showed us an MRI a few years back that indicated a part of Tim's brain had atrophied and it was suspected that he had Huntington's disease. Well, new scans were taken last week and the brain is restored and there is no sign of Huntington's disease! We have diligently prayed for a miracle and clearly we have received one! Tim's other issues are minor in comparison to the ravaging effects of Huntington's so we Praise the Lord! He is good ALL THE TIME!
PRAYER: Please continue to pray for the Lord to supply us with a second car and keep our 2001 Toyota going. Ev and I need to go in opposite directions often and having one car has been very difficult and time consuming.
We trust that you are ever growing deeper in the Lord and experiencing his blessings like never before! Praying for you and thanking God for you!
Your Brother and Sister in Christ,
Slavic Missionary Service International, Inc. /Support Gifts-Indicate for T. Semenchuk: P.O. Box 307, South River, NJ 08882 / Tim & Ev Home: 17454 Plaza Otonal, San Diego, CA 92128 / Tim's mobile: 619 208 0292 / Email: timsemenchuk@sbcglobal.net