Faith and fellowship are two integral components of Christianity. A young person, who has accepted Jesus Christ as His personal Savior and has repented of his sins, will desire to grow in His new life with the Lord. The Holy Spirit begins to teach that believer through the Holy Scriptures how to live as a child of God. Events in our churches that encourage and challenge young people to practice their faith and witness to others concerning that faith are extremely necessary in order to build strong foundations of stability and security within the lives of those young Christians.
In October, Borisov Bible Church in Borisov, Belarus sponsored a youth conference to emphasize those two vital components of faith and fellowship. The theme of the conference was "Soli Deo Gloria." Truly, the Bible must play an important role in the life of the believer. From its truths, a believer learns how to live a life that honors and glorifies the Creator. Approximately 150 young people, from many different cities in Belarus, came to listen to three speakers share from the Scriptures the significance of giving glory to God.
The opportunity to hear God's Word expounded, to buy quality Christian literature and to mingle with young people who share the same beliefs brought encouragement and instruction to all the attendees. How important it is to prove to the youth of our world that a worthy life can be lived with Christ and for Christ. And as that life is lived in submission and service, God alone deserves all the glory!