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Pray daily for pastors in the Slavic countries (as well as your own) that they will have wisdom and power from God to preach the Word effectually and to care for all of the saints. Pray that the convicting power of the Holy Spirit will accompany the preaching of God’s Word throughout all lands. Ask God to stir up Christians to use their God-given freedom to the fullest advantage in making known everywhere the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). |
God is in the soul-reclamation business.
Knowing Evangelical beliefs, jargon and subculture do not equal new birth.
You don’t work for salvation, but you do work at it once you have received it.
On the cross Jesus not only saved my soul; he also bought my body.
Christ came into the world to save us from ourselves.
Study the Bible not only for information or inspiration but also for personal transformation.
Scripture immunizes against sin.
God writes concise Scripture; men write voluminous commentaries.
Find your future in the Bible.
We need to receive the Christ Child with childlike faith if we want to be the children of God.
Some people don't search Scripture because it has a way of searching them.
Do I percolate Scripture when the heat is on?
We all get “brainwashed” – either by The World or by The Word.
What water is to natural life, so The Word is to one’s spirit.
Human interpretation of sacred scripture should be written with a stubby pencil topped with an oversized eraser.
Since you’re going to be biased anyway, at least be biblically biased.
As Christians, each one of us is living our own version of the Bible.
The words of manmade religions are dead; the Word of God is life-giving.
The Bible is a compilation of divinely inspired writings penned by ordinary people for ordinary people.
If your primary goal is to make God happy, you have found the secret of life.
The problem with self-esteem is that it focuses on self rather than on Jesus.
If you’re full of self-confidence, think of Apostle Peter.
Our natural self-deception allows us to sleep at night.
If you’re obsessed with your self-importance, think of Lucifer.
Our natural self-deception allows us to sleep at night.
If I don’t discipline myself, God will.
In Self-control, the control is totally up to Self.
There is an upside to our being sifted by Satan: We know Jesus is praying for us.
Serve/ Service
I think a Christian’s life motto could very well be: Loving Service.
God loathes love without service and service without love.
It is more gratifying to serve than to be served.
Legalized sin is still sin.
Every sin extorts its price — whether or not it’s forgiven.
Sin saps spiritual strength.
Originally, there were sins, which were replaced by mistakes, which were replaced by errors. (What next?) …which were replaced by blaming others, including God.
Sin is not forgiven until it is forsaken.
All of us were born with a tendency to certain sin;
but that does not give us an excuse or justification to give in to it.
Our sorrow is superficial compared to God’s sorrow.
Let’s give people space to grow spiritually.
Your living for the Lord is good; His living through you is better.
Spiritual battles are won with broken hearts, empty stomachs and bended knees.
A deeper walk with God comes through deeper experiences.
The abundant life that Jesus gives used to be strictly spiritual; now it seems to be mostly material.
You cannot build an unshakeable spiritual life without first laying down a solid biblical foundation.
Authentic revival or genuine spiritual awakening cannot - humanly - be predicted, planned or programmed.
Spiritual battles are won with broken hearts, empty stomachs and bended knees.
There is an upside to our being sifted by Satan: We know Jesus is praying for us.
Believe it or not, there is such a thing as “suffering in the will of God.”
Superstition has no power unless you believe in it.
To surrender to God is to be liberated.
When I give Jesus all of myself, I am only reciprocating.