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Pray daily for pastors in the Slavic countries (as well as your own) that they will have wisdom and power from God to preach the Word effectually and to care for all of the saints. Pray that the convicting power of the Holy Spirit will accompany the preaching of God’s Word throughout all lands. Ask God to stir up Christians to use their God-given freedom to the fullest advantage in making known everywhere the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). |
Don't limit yourself to fun or even happiness, when you can have the joy of the Lord!
Heart, new
God doesn’t overhaul hearts; he installs new ones.
What counts in God’s economy is not what wealth we have on earth but what “treasures” we have transferred to heaven.
Health + wealth does not = happiness.
Peace and patience accelerate healing.
Don’t make fun of Heaven or Hell, because God will have the last laugh.
Hell has no expiration date.
I can measure my attachment to the earthly life by the depth of my homesickness for heaven.
Hell has no EXIT.
We go to Hell by Default and to Heaven by Option.
Are you heaven bent or earthbound?
“It’s not what you know but WHO you know” that will get you into Heaven.
I would rather go to heaven crying than to hell laughing.
I believe one of the most painful aspects of being in Hell is not being able to stop thinking about God.
What I hope for in the New Year reveals the condition of my heart.
There are 365 thanksgiving days in the Christian calendar.
Half of Thanksgiving is giving.
Christmas is not only Good News; it’s the best news this world will ever hear.
If New Year comes knocking on your door, I hope you welcome him with a big smile.
We are never faced with a whole new year but with only one new day.
Don’t worry about pleasing the Lord in the coming year; just be concerned about doing it this moment.
To be holy is to be wholly HIS.
Holy Spirit
My Guiding Light is never in the dark about anybody or anything.
If the Holy Spirit has taken up permanent residence in you, is he in charge or are you?
In my (humble) opinion, every opinion should be humble because, after all, it’s only an opinion.
If we don’t humble ourselves, we are apt to humiliate ourselves.
I think the finest humor comes out of adversity.
The most important part of a Christian’s armor [uniform] is not the indispensable aggression or the protection, but the identification.
If you think you’re indispensable, think of John the Baptist.
It doesn’t make “cents” to invest on earth but not in heaven.