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Pray daily for pastors in the Slavic countries (as well as your own) that they will have wisdom and power from God to preach the Word effectually and to care for all of the saints. Pray that the convicting power of the Holy Spirit will accompany the preaching of God’s Word throughout all lands. Ask God to stir up Christians to use their God-given freedom to the fullest advantage in making known everywhere the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). |
God: in general
God is compiling his own Who’s Who.
If your whole life is not glorifying God, you either don’t know him or not very well.
God has his witnesses in all walks of life.
There is no small print in God’s “contract” with humanity.
When your heavenly father disciplines you, it just proves he loves you.
God operates the biggest and best LOST & FOUND service in the world.
Whether or not we acknowledge it, the Lord always has been and always will be our primary life-support system.
I didn't lose God when I lost my health and my wealth — unless they were my god.
The Lord is my Hard Drive, not my Floppy.
While you work for and with God, he works in and through you.
The purpose of a piano is to make music; the purpose of a person is to glorify God.
Do I think about God when things are going well as much as I do when things are going badly?
God: specific
God is absolute
God is absolutely absolute.
A superlative God deserves supreme dedication.
God is caring
God’s discipline is proof of his love.
You always have God’s full attention.
You’ve been on God’s mind forever.
There isn’t a care that God doesn’t care about.
God’s children are always in his “intensive care.”
Christianity is always comforting but never comfortable.
God, our Crux
God is my Crux, not my Crutch.
God wants me to find my roots — in him.
God, Disciplinarian
I'm convinced God sometimes takes people, possessions or positions away from us to reintroduce, reinstate or reinforce his supremacy, sovereignty and sufficiency.
God, the Father
If I want God to be my heavenly Father, I need to be his trusting child.
God, One
There is only one God and, fortunately, he happens to be good.
God, Omniscient
I might as well act as though my thoughts, words and actions are completely and constantly audible and visible to God — because they are.
There is no one and nothing God cannot handle on my behalf — with or without my participation.
God, our Life
Life is good only when life is God.
God is good
Only God is good; humans can only act good.
If God is good when he pleases me, is he not good when he displeases me?
God, Nearness of
It is impossible to put any distance between you and your Creator-Maintainer.
God’s priorities
What matters is what matters to God.
God is still in the process of creating me.
You are not who you think you are; you are who God thinks you are.
God of questions
For someone who knows everything, God certainly asks a lot of questions.
Let’s face it: God’s Good News — Gospel — is not humanly logical — and intentionally so.
Of all the countless beliefs in this world, only God’s Gospel resolves the problem of sin.
If Jesus is not the only Savior, he is no Savior at all.
A fashionable gospel is a false gospel.
The Gospel is a proposition, not an imposition.
The Gospel is so profound, a philosopher cannot comprehend it, yet so simple a child can understand it.
(Trendy Version of John 3:16) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life, Period.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most crucial event in human history.
The church is not the door to heaven: Jesus is.
Only the God of the Bible is able to forgive your past, help you in the present and assure your future.
It’s not enough to urge sinners to come to Christ; they also need to be warned about what will happen to them if they don’t.
The most important message for today’s world is “Jesus Saves!”
Insult God’s grace and incur his wrath.
If gratitude doesn’t come naturally, try supernaturally.
Sometimes, God doesn’t start until we stop.
The feeling of genuine guilt is to the soul what pain is to the body.