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Pray daily for pastors in the Slavic countries (as well as your own) that they will have wisdom and power from God to preach the Word effectually and to care for all of the saints. Pray that the convicting power of the Holy Spirit will accompany the preaching of God’s Word throughout all lands. Ask God to stir up Christians to use their God-given freedom to the fullest advantage in making known everywhere the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). |
Listening is also a language — body language.
A good Christian leader is a good follower of Jesus Christ.
A good leader is a “good cheer” leader.
We follow the Good Shepherd, not the under shepherds who themselves are sheep.
Am I a compass or a weather vane?
The ideal leader is a humble servant.
Life, eternal
Only eternal life is an outright gift; earthly life is a sacred trust.
Life, general
Don’t be surprised if you encounter ethical speed bumps, moral potholes and disciplinary detours on the road of life.
The longer I live the shorter becomes my list of important things.
The Christian life is not difficult; it’s impossible — humanly.
Life, the good
One of the most dangerous things that can befall a Christian is for life to get good and comfortable on earth.
With few exceptions, we are not handed a guaranteed long life; we are entrusted with only this fragile moment.
God not only declared his love, he demonstrated it.
To have practical value, love must be transformed from words to works.
There is no love like God’s love and there is no fury like God’s fury.
There is only one right way to love God – with all your heart.
There is only one right way to love your neighbor – as yourself.
I love the Lord only as much as I live for him.
The intensity of my work for the Lord should never exceed the fervor of my love for him.
God loathes love without service and service without love.
With God, I am always a manager, never an owner.
When God provided bachelor Adam with a wife, He didn’t give him a multiple choice; He gave him His choice.
Work on your marriage if you want it to work.
Marriage is like a tree: love is the branches; commitment is the root system.
A bad marriage doesn’t make marriage bad.
Marriages don’t make or break people; people make or break marriages.
The more God comes between spouses the closer they become.
The mind regurgitates everything it’s fed -– bad and good.
Jesus' successful ministry on earth was done by kneeling, reclining, sitting, standing and walking - never running.
The downside of one liner is its vulnerability to misinterpretation.
The strength of a one-liner is its disposal of verbiage; its weakness is lack of context.
Some people carry around a distorted magnifying glass; it enlarges the bad things and reduces the good things they see in others.
Do not be mesmerized by eloquence but pay careful attention to content.
The question is not “Am I an extrovert or an introvert?” but “Am I the person God wants me to be?”
Priceless pearls are commonly cultivated inside plain shells.
The greatest mysteries and challenges are not in outer space; they are in our personal inner space.
You are what eats you.
I know I’m biased; I just don’t know how much.
Don’t allow yourself to become a but-this-is-the-way-we’ve-always-done-it person.
Why is it that everybody has blind spots except me?
Our assignments are on earth, but our headquarters are in heaven.
God, too, is misunderstood.
Money is only the small change of biblical stewardship.
Those who love Mammon cannot correctly love anyone else - be it God, others, or themselves.
Be merciful, not mercenary.