In the epistle to the Colossians, Paul expresses “thanksgiving” to God seven times while serving the body of Christ, the church. In Christ Jesus all fullness of God dwells, and He is to have preeminence in everything (Colossians 1:18-19).
Like Paul, Slavic Missionary Service is giving thanks for the people of God, “praying always for you” who contribute to the missionaries and the missionary projects (1:3). SMS is “giving thanks” for the promises of God, especially the qualification “to share in the inheritance of the saints in light” (1:12).
SMS is overflowing with thanksgiving for its position in God just like the church, “firmly rooted... built up...
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Slavic Missionary Service praises God for each individual and church that supports our ministries and outreaches, especially during these complicated, confusing and even chaotic times. This partnership enables SMS to work with national missionaries on the Slavic fields who need assistance to accomplish spiritual permanence and progress. It is only with these donations that SMS can plan for future projects or continue to maintain and grow present ministries on the foreign fields. It also provides for the day-by-day accomplishments of the SMS home base and for the continued additions to our media ministries.